Sunday, September 16, 2012


Hello all you nonexistant people who read my blog! :)

Here is an update on my progress with the Day Zero Project. I have 3 items in progress, and two items checked off!!!!

Items in progress:
#5 - visit Julia in Baltimore for her 30th birthday. Yes, the tickets are booked and the party is planned! Next weekend I will be crossing the Mason-Dixon line and celebrating a milestone with my amazing Sister!
#6 - An entire Christmas of Homemade Gifts. I have started a few items for gifts for this Christmas and I am making a timeline for getting things done.
#53 - Save up for a vacation in a jar. I have the jar and I plan on decorating it for my dream vacation to Italy :)

Items checked off (squee!):
#91 - Work with my doctors to go off one medication. That's right, I am one medication down! This really means a lot to me, and I'm very happy.
#35 - Hike Old Speck Mountain. Yesterday I hiked the mountain, finally! It is the third highest peak in Maine and we finished in a whopping 5 hours and 30 minutes :) I went with my good friends Sean and Eliza. Pics below for proof!

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